CBD and Sleep Apnea

CBD and Sleep Apnea

Those suffering from sleep apnea often rely on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy to provide them with the relief they need to get a good night’s sleep. Although CPAP therapy is the most common form of treatment for sleep apnea, it may cause some discomfort for the individual. 

Instead, you may be considering additional sleep apnea remedies, including adjusting your sleep position, losing weight, wearing a mouthguard, or taking CBD before bed. But do alternative treatment methods such as CBD work? Follow along as ApneaMed explores the connection between CBD and sleep apnea to determine if it can provide you with the sleep apnea relief you crave.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes soft tissues to collapse at night, causing a blockage of the airway. Because of this, the individual stops experiencing repetitive breathing disruptions that cause them to choke, gasp, or snore. A partner notices the sleep disorder when they hear their companion struggling to breathe during the night. These cessations occur from a few times to more than 100 times throughout the night. 

If sleep apnea is suspected, it is recommended that the patient undergoes a sleep study to get the recommended treatment to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and cardiac arrest. In recent years, sleep apnea patients have begun questioning whether they can relieve their sleep apnea symptoms with CBD.

What Is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and refers to a compound derived from the cannabis Sativa plant, also known as marijuana. However, unlike marijuana, CBD is not psychoactive and does not get the individual high due to not containing the compound THC. CBD comes in many forms, including oils, gummies, and candy, and is often used to relieve pain, anxiety, depression, etc.

Can CBD Help with Sleep Apnea?

Recent studies have started looking at the potential for CBD as a treatment for insomnia has made sleep apnea patients curious about its effects. Although researchers haven’t been able to conclusively state whether or not CBD helps relieve sleep apnea symptoms, it is believed that CBD can help decrease the amount of time it takes for the individual to fall asleep, allowing the patient to get more sleep throughout the night. 

Additionally, researchers are looking into if CBD will keep the muscles in the body relaxed and minimize the chance of them collapsing during sleep. While some studies show promising results indicating that CBD may relieve sleep apnea, patients still need to refer to a sleep physician for a recommended treatment plan.

Testing and Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

If you suspect you have sleep apnea, a sleep specialist can help you navigate the process of testing for sleep apnea and determining the best treatment plan. If diagnosed with sleep apnea, the sleep physician will provide you with a recommended treatment plan supplemented with home remedies such as CBD to promote better sleep.

Both CPAP and AutoPAP are the most commonly recommended solutions for patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. These breathing machine options can relieve symptoms for patients, allowing them to receive a deeper night’s sleep and function better throughout the day. While CPAP therapy is typically the first choice for most doctors, your sleep physician can walk you through which type of breathing machine is the right choice for your specific condition. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the different sleep apnea treatment options, contact ApneaMed today.

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