Does Fitbit Work to Track Sleep Apnea?
cpap fitbit home sleep test sleep apnea sleep apnea symptoms sleep testing
There are few things more frustrating than getting a bad night’s sleep — especially when your wearable device lets you know about it as soon as you wake up. Many individuals rely on their smart trackers, such as Fitbits, for more than just step counting. In recent years, Fitbit has introduced new technology that provides wearers with detailed insights into their sleeping patterns, helping pinpoint a deeper issue that needs to be resolved. While wearable technology makes tracking sleep possible, can a Fitbit track sleep apnea? ApneaMed walks you through how Fitbits track sleep and if they can reliably diagnose...
Mouth Breathing & Obstructive Sleep Apnea
cpap mouth breathing obstructive sleep apnea
Have you ever paid attention to how you breathe as you fall asleep at night? While the most common way to breathe is through the nose, some individuals may notice that they breathe primarily through their mouths. This typically occurs when a person is suffering from congestion due to allergies, sinus problems, inflammation, or a physical obstruction. While these breathing restrictions might not seem like a big deal, they can lead to breathing issues as an adult. The team at ApneaMed has outlined how mouth breathing can negatively impact your health and what you can do to resolve your breathing...
CPAP Therapy: Instant Sleep Apnea Relief Or Steady Improvements?
As someone who suffers from sleep apnea, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night’s sleep. So when you opt for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, you might be wondering how long it’ll take to find relief from sleep apnea. Have you found yourself wondering how long CPAP therapy will take? Maybe you’re questioning if CPAP therapy will only help your symptoms or if they will be eliminated completely. Will you find instant sleep apnea relief or steady improvement? ApneaMed is here to help you understand why you might not see dramatic improvement from CPAP...
How To Sleep Without Snoring
Snoring is a common problem for many individuals — and it doesn’t only impact the person snoring but their partner as well. Not only is it annoying and loud, but it can impact the quality of sleep the person gets as well. Improve your quality of sleep and reduce your snoring with these recommendations from ApneaMed: Adjust Your Sleeping Position If you’re tired of being jabbed in the side by your partner’s elbow for your continuous snoring, try changing up your sleeping position. A simple shift if your positioning can help open up your airways and reduce your snoring. If...
AutoPAP, CPAP & BiPAP: Which Is Best For Treating Your Sleep Apnea?
apap autopap cpap Obstructicve Sleep Apne
If you suffer from a form of sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend that you use a breathing machine at night to help provide the airflow you need — reducing your breathing cessations and allowing for a deeper night’s sleep. You might be skeptical about using a breathing machine, but with a simple mask that is worn throughout the night, you’ll receive pressure that makes it easier for you to breathe. This treatment method is known as positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. When undergoing PAP therapy, your doctor will help you determine which type of breathing machine is the right...