AutoPAP, CPAP & BiPAP: Which Is Best For Treating Your Sleep Apnea?

AutoPAP, CPAP & BiPAP: Which Is Best For Treating Your Sleep Apnea?

apap autopap cpap Obstructicve Sleep Apne

If you suffer from a form of sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend that you use a breathing machine at night to help provide the airflow you need — reducing your breathing cessations and allowing for a deeper night’s sleep. You might be skeptical about using a breathing machine, but with a simple mask that is worn throughout the night, you’ll receive pressure that makes it easier for you to breathe. This treatment method is known as positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. When undergoing PAP therapy, your doctor will help you determine which type of breathing machine is the right...

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How Sleep Affects Your Immune System

How Sleep Affects Your Immune System

APAP CPAP Health Immune System Obstructicve Sleep Apne OSA Sleep Sleep Quality

When you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, it does a lot more than cause fatigue due to a lack of quality of sleep. Because, when you lack the right amount of sleep, your immune system is also impacted in a number of ways, such as slowing down your immune system.  Poor Sleep Inhibits T Cells Your T cells are part of your immune system. These cells specifically fight off viral pathogens, from the regular flu to cancer. But, without enough sleep, your body's T cells become inhibited by higher levels of stress hormones—specifically, noradrenaline and adrenaline—which makes your...

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