How to Be a Truck Driver With Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea can make performing everyday activities more difficult due to feeling tired and lethargic. But when you're a truck driver, this can wreak havoc on your ability to perform the duties of your job sufficiently. Luckily, there are proactive measures you can take that make it easier for you to be a truck driver with sleep apnea. Follow along as ApneaMed outlines what truck drivers can do to find relief from their sleep apnea and maintain peak performance while on the road. What Is Sleep Apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes an individual to experience...
Enjoying Your Summer With an AutoPap
Summer is the perfect time to go on vacation; from beach trips and hiking to pool days and long bike rides, there are endless possibilities as to how you can fully enjoy the sun and warm weather. But what if you want to go camping or on another spontaneous overnight trip? How can you effectively manage your sleep apnea while traveling? Thankfully, technology has made this easier. One of the first hiccups that might come to mind regarding camping with sleep apnea is the possible lack of electricity—a valid concern, to be sure. How You Camp with a CPAP or...
8 Ways to Reduce The Risk of Sleep Apnea
Driving for hours on end can be tiring. But if a truck driver is also suffering from sleep apnea, they risk being more tired than normal — dangerously so. If obstructive sleep apnea goes untreated, the truck driver may not be getting the quality of sleep they need to operate at peak efficiency throughout the day. They’re often left lethargic and fatigued, which can significantly increase their chances of getting into an accident. Because of the trucking lifestyle, truck drivers have a much higher risk of being diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. Because of this, it’s important that truck drivers...
Does Having Sleep Apnea Disqualify You From CDL?
You might be wondering what sleep apnea has to do with your daytime driving, right? After all, you sleep at night and then do most of your driving during the day. However, since sleep apnea that hasn’t been properly treated can cause disruptions in your sleep cycles, it can also affect your performance during the day since you aren’t well-rested. In addition, research has shown us time and time again that sleep apnea can significantly increase your chances of being in an accident while driving due to the fatigue experienced from a lack of quality sleep. Can You Drive a...
CBD and Sleep Apnea
Those suffering from sleep apnea often rely on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy to provide them with the relief they need to get a good night’s sleep. Although CPAP therapy is the most common form of treatment for sleep apnea, it may cause some discomfort for the individual. Instead, you may be considering additional sleep apnea remedies, including adjusting your sleep position, losing weight, wearing a mouthguard, or taking CBD before bed. But do alternative treatment methods such as CBD work? Follow along as ApneaMed explores the connection between CBD and sleep apnea to determine if it can provide...