ENT Specialists Can Offer Their Patients The Comfort Of Testing From Their Own Home

ENT Specialists Can Offer Their Patients The Comfort Of Testing From Their Own Home

Snoring is one of the most common signs of sleep apnea. But since sleep apnea testing is needed to confirm this diagnosis, many people dismiss their snoring as irritating and nothing more, until it starts to impact their everyday lives. For those individuals who suffer from sleep apnea, they may struggle to breathe at night and wake up with painful headaches.

Ears, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists are often at the top of the list of specialists that are visited for ongoing heavy snoring, as these patients correctly assume there is something wrong with their nose or throat.   

What Sleep Apnea Issues ENT Doctors Can Identify

For those who suspect that they are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, there are a number of issues that ENT doctors can identify as signs of sleep apnea, such as:

  • Frequent loud snoring
  • Wake up during the night choking or gasping
  • Need to urinate often at night
  • Pauses when breathing during your sleep
  • Wake up with headaches
  • Wake up in the morning with dry mouth
  • Frequent daytime fatigue, even with plenty of sleep
  • Moodiness

These signs of sleep apnea, when presented together, will often prompt an ENT to do further investigating, ranging from asking about your medical history to doing a physical examination of your airways. If they suspect from your history and symptoms that you may have sleep apnea, a sleep apnea test is needed to make a diagnosis.

ENT Specialists Can Provide Home Sleep Apnea Test Kit

Sleep studies to diagnose sleep apnea are often associated with going into a dedicated facility for a sleep study. However, ENTs partnered with ApneaMed can provide you with an at-home sleep apnea test kit so that you can test for obstructive sleep apnea from the comfort of your home.

Why Opt For Home Sleep Apnea Testing

There are a number of reasons why you would want to opt for at-home sleep apnea testing, rather than going in for a sleep study at a facility. Some of the reasons why you would want to utilize our home sleep apnea test are:


  • Affordable - Without insurance, covering the cost of a sleep lab can get expensive, and even with insurance, you may be left with your co-pay and whatever your insurance didn't cover. On the other hand, our at-home test is far more affordable than a sleep lab.
  • Convenient - Rather than going to a facility to sleep and be hooked up to several machines, you can use our home sleep apnea test in the comfort of your home. You can enjoy a far more peaceful night without needing to be monitored by anyone else.
  • Quick - After one night of testing, you can send in your at-home sleep test back to ApneaMed, and our sleep physicians will review your sleep information. A couple of days after we have received your test, they will provide you with a diagnosis. 
  • Easy - Setting up one of our home sleep apnea tests is easy, from ordering your test to receiving a diagnosis. We provide step-by-step instructions regarding how to use the test at home, and what you should do afterward. 
For those individuals who are interested in working directly with ApneaMed to receive in-home sleep apnea testing, feel free to contact us today to learn more and order your kit.

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